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Plushie #1

This Plushie video was nothing but amateur! I didn't make a specific plan before filming and I took random shots, so that's my fault. I pieced the video clips together in no particular order. I will try to make more of a plan in my next plushie video so there is more of a story and it is sequential.
Overall, I have had very little film experience. In middle school, I went through a music video phase with some of my friends and I taught myself how to edit on iMovie. I've also watched my brother edit a few of his videos on Final Cut Pro, although I didn't retain much of it. I look forward to making films that have more content than the iMovie music videos I made in the sixth grade.

Plushie #2

My second plushie video was a big improvement compared to my first. There is actually a storyline that can be followed now! I thought the clips of my plushie that I got were of high quality and did a nice job of capturing what was going on in each scene. Something that I can work on for next time is to experiment more with the post-production. Bear with me because this might be confusing: I would have liked to make it so the "week 1," etc. came up on a blank screen before the clip is shown and then started playing the music when the clip of the plushie starts. I think that could add a layer of comedy that my video is missing.
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