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BBA Airpods Commercial

    Over the last couple of weeks Jess and I have worked hard at perfecting our film. Beginning in March we started filming the clips we planned when we first came up with the idea of BBA Airpods. We got the shots down, but realized they were filmed in snow and dreary conditions, so we waited for it to be nicer out. We practiced a lot of our shots multiple times and the only clips we used that were the first take was the first clip and the clip of Aisha sitting in the library. As shown in the screenshots below, we refilmed Mr. Graf and Dr. Spero, and all of our clips that were outside. We omitted a clip with River and Tommy in it which would have been funny and effective if it was filmed in better weather. We wrote our script and practiced saying it over our edited video once we had completed the editing. We then went to a room in the basement and recorded the script a couple of times before deciding on the best one. Over the last bunch of weeks Jess and I have worked hard on our film. It is difficult trying to produce a Gawlik-worthy film after only a month of practice with filming and editing. We worked tirelessly with the camera and different lenses to try and get the perfect shot. Aisha would do whatever we asked of her which helped our process move along more quickly than it would’ve. I would be mindful of not using my phone and I would try to make use of my time as productive as I could.

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Final product

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1st take of Mr. Graf

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Shot from winter time

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First try of Aisha overhearing teachers

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Practicing the shot

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